Auto Loan Early Payoff Calculator
How to Calculate Auto Loan Payoff
The price of your vehicle, down payment you make, length of the loan, and interest rate are all factors that determine how much you'll pay for your car. Adding a bit more to your payments each month can help you pay off your car loan sooner and, ultimately, save you money.
Use this calculator to see the impact of putting a bit more money toward your loan each month. Enter the price of your vehicle as the Vehicle Price and adjust the sliders to match the details of your loan. Move the Added Monthly Amt slider to see the impact of paying more toward the loan.
Auto Refinance Calculator—Monthly Payment
How it Works
Refinancing an auto loan is essentially getting a new loan with new terms. A lower interest rate or longer term can potentially lower your monthly payment, though you may pay more overall.
Enter the terms of your current loan and the terms of a potential refinanced loan to compare a monthly payment as well as overall costs.
Auto Refinance Calculator—Shorter Term
How it Works
Refinancing an auto loan is essentially getting a new loan with new terms. Refinancing to a shorter term will likely save you money, since you won't be paying interest for as long. It's also likely that you'll get a lower interest rate.
Enter the terms of your current loan and the terms of a potential refinanced loan to compare the overall costs.
Debt Payoff Calculator
How It Works
Though there are multiple debt payoff methods, the majority of them consist of paying more toward your debt than the monthly minimum. This way you can get rid of debt faster and save some money on interest. This calculator shows how long it will take to pay off a loan and how much accrued interest will need to be paid by the end of the loan’s payoff period.
- Enter how much money is currently owed on the loan in the “Loan Balance” text box.
- Adjust the sliders to match the details of the loan.
- Move the “Added Monthly Amt” slider to see how paying a bit more each month will save money on interest and change the final payoff date.
Early Mortgage Payoff Calculator
The total cost of a mortgage will continue to grow over the length of the loan. Over time, interest can add thousands of dollars to what you owe for your home. The quicker you pay off the mortgage, the less time that interest has to accrue, and the less you'll need to pay. This calculator will show how much you can save in time and money by paying more than your monthly requirement.
How It Works
Enter your price of the home as the Home Price and adjust the sliders to match the parameters of your mortgage. To see how much you can save by adding to your monthly payment, adjust the slider for the Added Monthly Amt. You can now compare the difference in payoff dates, total interest paid, and total amount paid for your home between paying the minimum payments and adding a bit more each month.
How Much Can You Borrow On Your Home Equity, Calculator
How It Works
A HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) is a line of credit that allows you to tap into your home’s equity and borrow against it. This calculator will help you estimate the limit you could be approved for. Start by entering the value of your home. Next, enter the outstanding balance (what you have left to pay including interest) on your mortgage. Finally, adjust the LTV ratio to see your potential HELOC. The LTV ratio is a percentage, generally 80-90%, that is determined by your lender.
How Much Can You Earn On Your Deposits, Calculator
How to Calculate Interest on Savings Accounts, CDs & More
With a savings account, your money grows over time based on how much you save each month, the interest rate on the account, and how long you save. This savings calculator is designed to illustrate how your savings will grow using compound interest, which is the most common type of interest for savings accounts. The interest in this calculator is compounded monthly.
Enter how much your initial deposit will be or how much you currently have in savings as the Starting Amount. Move the Monthly Savings slider to the amount you plan to contribute each month. Adjust the Interest Rate slider to the interest rate on your savings account. Finally, move the Years to Save slider to see how much you can save over time if you keep saving the same amount each month.
How Much Car Can You Afford, Calculator
How It Works
Time for a new vehicle? It's wise to start with what you can afford and not just what you want to drive. This calculator will show you the sweet spot between what you want and what you can afford.
Enter a preferred monthly payment, your down payment (cash you have on hand or trade-in value), the loan term you want, and the interest rate you hope to get.
How Much House Can You Afford, Calculator
How It Works
When you’re thinking about a new mortgage, start with what will impact you the most day-to-day: your monthly payment. This mortgage estimator shows you the best case scenario for a mortgage, beginning with your preferred monthly payment.
Enter your ideal monthly payment, potential down payment, preferred loan term, and interest rate. You’ll see the maximum mortgage you can afford within those parameters.
Mortgage Calculator
Understanding the intricacies of mortgage rates and payments is crucial for any prospective homeowner. While breaking down the purchase price into manageable monthly installments seems straightforward, many potential home buyers are surprised by cumulative expenses over the loan term. Added costs such as property tax, interest, etc., can significantly increase the total amount a homeowner pays over time. Fear not, however; this comprehensive mortgage calculator provides clarity and transparency regarding the true cost of homeownership.
How It Works
This mortgage calculator serves as a powerful tool to estimate the total expense associated with your home purchase. Input the home price, down payment amount, loan term, and interest rate to see the total financial commitment required for different home values. With just a few clicks, you'll have a clear understanding of the long-term financial implications of your mortgage.
Mortgage Refinance Calculator
How It Works
When interest rates drop or market values rise, it’s a good time to think about refinancing.
First, enter the loan balance, payment, and interest rate for your current loan. Then, select a focus: do you want to reduce your term length or monthly payments? Adjust the term length, interest rate, cash out amounts, and closing costs for the new loan. See how these factors influence your total costs, how much you can save, and when you’ll break-even on monthly savings vs. refinancing costs.
Personal Loan Calculator
How It Works
Ultimately, you can reduce how much you pay toward your personal loan, if you calculate the right amount of money to pay each month. This calculator will help you see how long it will take to pay off your personal loan using your loan’s interest rate and the amount owed.
First, enter the balance for your personal loan and a down payment amount. Then, adjust the Loan Term and Interest Rate sliders to reflect the details on your personal loan. When finished, adjust the Added Monthly Amount slider to reflect how much you can save by paying above the minimum payment.